On 1-2 December 2021, the conference “Harmonized longitudinal data on social structure: Polish research in a cross-national perspective” was held in Warsaw, at IFiS PAN. The aim of the conference was to summarize the rich achievements of Polish research on the social structure in a cross-national perspective. The event was also an opportunity to present the latest analyses conducted using POLPAN data.


Conference program online + presentations

Materials for the press conference (December 1, 2021) [in Polish]

English version of conference materials prepared for the press conference on 1 December 2021

Media coverage

The conference was supported by the Committee of Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (DUN program), the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the National Science Center in Poland (grant number 2017/25/B/HS6/02697).
Organizational support for this conference came from CONSIRT of The Ohio State University and the Polish Academy of Sciences (consirt.osu.edu).