Gugushvili, Alexi and Ewa Jarosz. 2024. “A Longitudinal Study of Perceived Social Position and Health-related Quality of Life.” Social Science & Medicine 340, 116446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116446
Ślarzyński, Marcin. 2024. “The Emergence of Right-Wing Partisanship in Poland, 1993–2018: Reconciling Demand-Side Explanations of the Success of Illiberalism.” Perspectives on Politics 22(3):692-716. https://doi.org/10.1017/S153759272300275X
Filipkowski, Piotr and Danuta Zyczynska-Ciolek. 2023. “Between Life Story and Life History. Contextualizing Biographical Narrative Interviews With Questionnaire Data.” Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-24.3.3985
Bieńkowski, Stefan and Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek. 2023. “Caught in a Matrix of Factors: A Pilot Study of Female Retirees Receiving Below-Minimum Pension Payments.” Qualitative Sociology Review 19(3): 52–72. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.19.3.03
Wysmułek, Ilona and Jakub Wysmułek. 2023. “Generational Differences in Attitudes to Meritocracy: Sources of Change in Valuing Education, Innate Abilities, and Hard Work in Poland.” Acta Sociologica. https://doi.org/10.1177/00016993231173296
Wroński, Marcin. 2023. “Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Poland in the Long Run: Education as a Positional Good.” Eastern European Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/00128775.2023.2191857
Kopycka, Katarzyna. 2023. “Escaping Uncertainty through Downward Mobility? Occupational Mobility upon Transition to Permanent Employment in Germany and in Poland.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100768
Lim, Junghyun. 2023. “The Electoral Consequences of International Migration in Sending Countries: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe.” Comparative Political Studies 56(1): 36–64. https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140221089646
Gugushvili, Alexi and Olga Zelinska. 2022. “What are the Trends and Explanations of Perceived Social Mobility in Poland?” Applied Research in Quality of Life. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-022-10105-4
Kołczyńska, Marta and Ireneusz Sadowski. 2022. “Seeing the World through Party-tinted Glasses: Performance Evaluations and Winner Status in Shaping Political Trust under High Polarization.” Acta Politica. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41269-022-00249-4
Milovanska-Farrington, Stefani. 2022. “The Effect of Child Benefits on Financial Difficulties and Spending Habits: Evidence from Poland’s Family 500 + Program.” International Economics and Economic Policy 19: 719–739. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10368-022-00534-9
Gugushvili, Alexi, Olga Zelinska, Patrick Präg, and Grzegorz Bulczak. 2022. “Does Perceived Social Mobility Affect Health? Evidence from a Fixed Effects Approach.” Social Science & Medicine 294, 114705. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114705
Under review: Ślarzyński, Marcin. “Not a Populist Surge, but an Emerging Political Identity: the Evolution of Right-Wing Politics in Poland in 1993–2018.” Comparative Political Studies (SAGE)
Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Zbigniew Sawiński, Anna Kiersztyn, Krystyna Janicka, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Ilona Wysmułek, and Michał Kotnarowski. „The Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN.” European Sociological Review, 2021;, jcab017, https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcab017
Zelinska, Olga, Alexi Gugushvili, Grzegorz Bulczak, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Zbigniew Sawiński, and Kazimierz M. Słomczyński. 2021. “The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN) Dataset: Capturing the Impact of Socio-economic Change on Population Health and Well-being in Poland, 1988-2018.” Data in Brief. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2021.106936
Zelinska Olga, Alexi Gugushvili, and Grzegorz Bulczak. 2021. „Social Mobility, Health and Wellbeing in Poland.” Frontiers in Sociology 6. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fsoc.2021.736249
Życzyńska-Ciołek, Danuta. 2021. “The Roots of Poverty, Poverty at the Root: The Relation between a Wartime Childhood and Material Hardship in Adulthood.” Polish Sociological Review 216: 493-516. DOI:10.26412/psr216.04, https://polish-sociological-review.eu/The-Roots-of-Poverty-Poverty-at-the-Root-nThe-Relation-between-a-Wartime-Childhood,144921,0,2.html
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M., Malina Voicu, Joshua K. Dubrow, Simona Maria Stănescu, and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. 2020. „Longitudinal Surveys for Comparative Analyses of Poland and Romania: The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN), 2013–2018 and the Romanian World Values Survey Panel (WVS-RO), 2012–2018.” ASK: Research & Methods 29(1): 29–53.
(online version)
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2020. “Who Moves from Fixed-Term to Open-Ended Contracts? Youth Employment Transitions in a Segmented Labour Market.” Acta Sociologica, (June 2020).
(online version)
Domański, Henryk. 2020. „Ruchliwość społeczna i wzory zawierania małżeństw w Polsce”. Studia BAS 62: 57–72.
(online version)
Janicka, Krystyna. 2020. „Samoocena ruchliwości międzypokoleniowej w kontekście przemian struktury społecznej”. Studia BAS 62: 129–142.
(online version)
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2020. „Niepewność zatrudnienia młodych dorosłych: analiza sekwencji karier zawodowych”. Studia BAS 62: 73–90.
(online version)
Życzyńska-Ciołek, Danuta. 2019. “The Experience of Systemic Transformation in Contemporary Biographical Narratives of Older Poles.” Qualitative Sociology Review 15(4): 20-45.
(online version)
Filipkowski, Piotr and Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek. 2019. “From a Case to a Case Study—And Back, or on the Search for Everyman in Biographical Research.” Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 15(2):40-57.
(online version)
Titarenko, Larissa. 2019. “Poland in the Transformative Years (1988–2013): Changes in Economic, Political, and Social Spheres of Life.” International Sociology 34(2): 38–48. [a review of two edited volumes based on POLPAN data]
(online version)
Domański, Henryk. 2018. „Wpływ wykształcenia na rozkład zarobków: 1988–2013 [The Effect of Education on Earnings Distribution in Poland, 1988–2013].” Ekonomista 1: 7–24.
(online version)
Boruc, Weronika and Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek. 2018. “Panel Survey Dilemma: How to Implement the Results of Pre-Testing in Consecutive Waves?” ASK: Research & Methods 27(1): 3–22.
(online version)
Filipkowski, Piotr. 2018. „Historia mówiona jako hermeneutyka losu. Doświadczenie przedtekstowe
[Oral History as a Hermeneutics of Fate: Pretextual Experience].” Teksty Drugie 1: 40-60.
(online version)
Kolasińska, Elżbieta. 2018. “The Depreciation of Competencies in „Precarious Work.” Prakseologia 160: 173–192.
(online version)
Gryniuk, Kateryna. 2018. “Education and Support for Democracy in Poland: Attitudinal, Structural, and Cognitive Mechanisms.” Polish Sociological Review 201: 3–25.
(online version)
Boruc, Weronika. 2018. “Family, Friends, and Money—What Makes an Entrepreneur? Analysis of Data from Poland, 1993–2013.” Polish Sociological Review 201: 47-60.
Oleksiyenko, Olena and Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek. 2018. “Structural Determinants of Workforce Participation after Retirement in Poland.” Journal of Population Ageing 11(1):83–103 (online version: 2017, doi.org/10.1007/s12062-017-9213-3)
Kopycka, Katarzyna. 2017. The Effects of Social Origin and Formal Education on First Job in the Process of Transformation to Market Capitalism: A Cohort Analysis of Data from the Polish Panel Survey. Polish Sociological Review 4(200): 465–483.
Sayers, Lauren E. 2017. Justice for All? Economic Situation, Political Attitudes, and Trust in the Judicial System in Poland. JUROS: The Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State 7.
(online version)
International Journal of Sociology 46(4): Analyzing Social Change: The Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN 1988-2013.
An issue devoted to the Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN. Edited by I. Tomescu-Dubrow i K. M. Slomczynski.
(table of contents, abstracts)
Andrejuk, Katarzyna. 2016. “Awans społeczny kobiet w czasach PRL. Dynamika struktury i sprawczości [Social upward mobility of women in the People’s Republic of Poland. Dynamics of structure and agency].” Przegląd Socjologiczny 65(3): 157–179.
(online version)
Filipkowski, Piotr and Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek. 2016. “Od kwestionariuszowego badania próby losowej do pogłębionej analizy życiowych przypadków – i z powrotem. Dwa wywiady biograficzne i kilka refleksji teoretycznych [From quantitative research based on a random sample to in-depth analysis of life experiences – and back. Two biographical interviews and a few theoretical reflections].” Studia Socjologiczne 3(222): 229-254.
Kunovich, Robert M. and Sheri L. Kunovich. 2016. “The Gender Gap in Political Knowledge in Poland.” Polish Sociological Review 1 (193): 33-49.
Kołczyńska, Marta and Joseph J. Merry. 2016. “Preferred Levels of Income Inequality in a Period of Systemic Change: Analysis of Data from the Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN 1988-2003.” Polish Sociological Review 2(194):
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M., Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, and Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow. 2015. “Changes in Social Structure, Class, and Stratification: The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN).” ASK: Research & Methods 24(1): 19-37.
(Abstract) (online version)
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2015. „Solidarity Lost? Low Pay Persistence During the Post-Communist Transition in Poland.” Polish Sociological Review 4(192): 493-509.
Baczko-Dombi, Anna and Ilona Wysmulek. 2015. “Determinants of Success in Public Opinion in Poland: Factors, Directions and Dynamics of Change.” Polish Sociological Review 3(191): 277-293.
Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina. 2015. “International Experience and Labour Market Success: Analysing Panel Data from Poland.” Polish Sociological Review 3(191): 259-276.
Kryszczuk, Maciej D. and Brian E. Green. 2015. “Digital Divide in Poland: An Exploration of Some Sociological Impacts of Personal Computer Possession, Internet Use and PC Proficiency.” Management and Business Administration. Central Europe 23(3): 2-18.
Janicka, Krystyna and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski. 2014. “Struktura spoleczna w Polsce: klasowy wymiar nierownosci.” Przeglad Socjologiczny (63)2: 55-72.
Translated title:
Social Structure in Poland: Class Dimension of Social Inequality
(Abstract) (online version)
Kunovich, Robert M. 2013. “Political Knowledge in Poland.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 46(1) :65-78.
(Abstract) (online version)
Rossi, Maurizio and Ettore Scappini. 2013. “Possiamo ancora dirci cristiani? La volatilità della partecipazione individuale alla messa.” [Can we still call ourselves Christian? The inconsistency of individual Church attendance]. Polis 27(3): 363-394.
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2013. “Stuck in a mismatch? The Persistence of Overeducation During Twenty Years of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland.” Economics of Education Review 32(1): 78-91. (online version published in 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2012.09.009)
International Journal of Sociology 42(4): Sociodemographic Differentiation in a Dynamic Perspective: The Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN 1988–2008.
An issue devoted to the Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN. Edited by K. M. Slomczynski and I. Tomescu-Dubrow.
Click here for a table of contents, the abstracts and full text of each article (PDF)
International Journal of Sociology 42(1): Structural Constraints, Gender, and Images of Inequality: The Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN 1988-2008.
An issue devoted to the Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN. Edited by K. M. Slomczynski and I. Tomescu-Dubrow.
Click here for a table of contents, the abstracts and full text of each article (PDF)
Sawiński, Zbigniew and Henryk Domański. 2012. “Sprawiedliwe nierówności zarobków.” Studia Socjologiczne 206(3): 7-27.
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2012. „Nadwyżka wykształcenia na polskim rynku pracy: młodzi w zawodach poniżej kwalifikacji.” Studia Ekonomiczne 115: 77-86.
Translated title:
Overeducation on the Polish Labour Market: Overqualified Young Workers
Sadowski, Ireneusz. 2012. “Poza wiedzą i majątkiem: nierówności w kapitale społecznym w okresie transformacji systemowej.” Studia Socjologiczne 205(2): 101-127.
Translated title:
Besides Knowledge and Wealth: Inequality in Social Capital During the Transformation
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Goldie Shabad. 2012. “Perceptions of political party corruption and voting behaviour in Poland.” Party Politics 18: 897-917.
(online version published in 2011,
Peoples, Clayton D. 2011. “Consistency in the Midst of Change: Class and Value Stability in Poland, 1988-2003.” Comparative Sociology 10(1): 126-144.
Jackson, John E., Bogdan W. Mach, and Jennifer L. Miller-Gonzalez. 2011. “Buying support and regime change: the evolution of Polish attitudes towards the EU and voting between accession and 2008.” European Union Politics 12(2): 147-167.
Shabad, Goldie and Kazimierz M. Słomczyński. 2011. “Voters’ perceptions of government performance and attributions of responsibility: Electoral control in Poland.” Electoral Studies 30(2): 309-320.
Hicks, Megan and Kazimierz M. Słomczyński. 2011. “Effects of Marital Status on Material Conditions.” The Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State 2. Retrieved January 30, 2013 (http://libeas01.it.ohio-state.edu/ojs/index.php/juros/article/view/1332).
Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina. 2011. “Effects of Future Orientations on Income Attainment and Social Class: An Analysis of Polish Panel Data.” Polish Sociological Review 176: 514-532.
Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina. 2011. “Changing Views of the Past: Structural and Contextual Determinants of Retrospective Assessment of Socialism.” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai – Sociologia 2: 75-90.
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2011. „Racjonalne inwestycje czy złudne nadzieje? Nadwyżka wykształcenia na polskim rynku pracy.” Polityka Społeczna 38(1): 7-14.
(Abstract in Polish)
Walentynowicz-Moryl, Katarzyna. 2011. „Pokoleniowe uwarunkowania oceny stanu zdrowia w świetle badań panelowych.” Rocznik Lubuski 37(2): 99-114.
Translated Title:
Generational Determinants of Health Assessment in the Light of Panel Studies
Nyćkowiak, Justyna. 2011. „Pokoleniowe uwarunkowania opinii na temat przemian politycznych w Polsce po 1989 roku w świetle danych POLPAN 1993-2008.” Rocznik Lubuski 37(2): 83-97.
Translated Title:
Generational Determinants of Opinion on the Political Transformations in Poland after 1989 in the Light of Data based on the Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN, 1993-2008.
Zielińska, Maria and Dorota Szaban. 2011. „Metodologiczne problemy w badaniach pokoleń.” Rocznik Lubuski 37(2): 33-47.
Translated title:
Methodological Problems in the Study of Generations
(Abstract) (online version)
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M. and Goldie Shabad. 2010. “Public Support for Military Actions against Terrorism: The Effect of Age, Generations, and Political Orientations.” Polish Sociological Review 170: 171-190.
Janicka, Krystyna. 2010. “Zmiany w strukturze społecznej w wyniku transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce. Historyczno-polityczne tło przemian społecznych.” Rocznik Lubuski 36(2): 33-51.
Wilk, Katarzyna. 2009. “Embeddedness of Social and Economic Relations in Systemic Transformation. Long Term Evidence from the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, 1988-2003.” Polish Sociological Review 165: 81-106.
Plessz, Marie. 2009. “Life Stages and Transformations of the Labor Market. The case of Central Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary).” European Societies 11(1): 103-136.
Jackson, John E. and Bogdan W. Mach. 2009. “Job creation, job destruction, labour mobility and wages in Poland, 1988–1998.” Economics of Transition 17: 503-530.
Green, Brian E. and Maciej D. Kryszczuk. 2009. “Computerization of Polish Households in Social Structural Perspective: a Dynamic Analysis of the Informatization Process over 20 Years.” Polish Sociological Review 168: 595-605.
Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina. 2008. “Decomposition of Long-Term Changes in Political Opinions According to Group-Specific Markov Processes.” ASK. Research&Methods 17: 101-113.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Krystyna Janicka. 2008. “Polarized Social-Class Structure: On the Matthew Effect and Increasing Inequality.” Polish Sociological Review 164: 341-357.
Dubrow, Joshua Kjerulf. 2007. “Choosing Among Discrete Choice Models for Voting Behavior.” ASK. Społeczeństwo, Badania, Metody 16: 9-23.
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M., Krystyna Janicka, Goldie Shabad and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. 2007. “Changes in Class Structure in Poland, 1988-2003: Crystallization of the Winners – Losers’ Divide.” Polish Sociological Review 157: 45-64.
Kiersztyn, Anna. 2007. “Underemployment: nowe zjawisko czy nowy termin?” Polityka Społeczna 403(10): 17-26.
(Abstract in Polish)
Lovell, Rachel E. 2007. “Gender Differences in Determinants and Consequences of Long-Term Illness.” International Journal of Sociology 37(2): 94-112.
Green, Brian E. and Maciej D. Kryszczuk. 2006. “Stability and Change in Household Computer Possession in Poland: Analysis of Structural Determinants.” Polish Sociological Review 154: 243-255.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. 2005. “Friendship Patterns and Upward Mobility: A Test of Social Capital Hypothesis.” Polish Sociological Review 151: 221-235.
Bronson, Denise E., Sheri Kunovich, and Krzysztof Frysztacki. 2005. “The Impact of the Economic Transition in Poland on Vulnerable Populations.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues 26(2): 225-238.
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M. and Krystyna Janicka. 2004. „Social Structure and the Institutions of Democracy: Support, Representation, and Accountability.” Polish Sociological Review 148: 413-428.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Goldie Shabad. 2003. “Dynamics of Support for European Integration in Post-Communist Poland.” European Journal of Political Research 42(4): 503-539.
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M. and Katarzyna M. Wilk. 2002. „Who Still Likes Socialism and Why? Time Variation of Political Opinions in Poland.” International Journal of Sociology 32(3): 64-77.
Shabad, Goldie and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski. 1999. “Political Identities in the Initial Phase of Systemic Transformation in Poland: A Test of the Tabula Rasa Hypothesis.” Comparative Political Studies 32(6): 690-723.
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M. and Goldie Shabad. 1996. “Systemic transformation and the salience of class structure in East Central Europe.” East European Politics and Societies 11(1): 155-189.
Janicka, Krystyna. 1995. “Women and Men in the Socio-Occupational structure: Similarities and Differences.” Polish Sociological Review 1(109): 73-94.
Janicka, Krystyna. 1993. “Factors of Structuralization of Polish Society in the Social Consciousness at the End of the Eighties.” Polish Sociological Review 1(109): 217-231.
Janicka, Krystyna. 1991. “Czynniki strukturalizacji społeczeństwa polskiego w świadomości społecznej w końcu lat osiemdziesiątych”. Kultura i Społeczeństwo 30(3): 75-87.
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