Slomczynski, Kazimierz M., ed. 2002. Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.
Book Description:
This volume, similarly to its predecessor, Social Patterns of Being Political is devoted to changes in the social structure that are associated with the transition of Polish society in the direction of democracy and capitalism. Both volumes cover a decade of the transition (1988-98), the first one focusing on its initial phase (1988-93), and the second one on its advanced phase (1993-98). In both volumes, social structure is understood as a composition of social groups with unequal access to commonly desired goods.
In order to understand changes in social structure and implied social inequality, we must study its causes. In this volume, the reference to changes is very frequent in the context of casual analysis of social inequality. However, this is the only one perspective on social structure. Another one involves the consequences of social inequality expressed through the linkages of social structure to other social phenomena – social consciousness and social behavior. Thus, the title of this volume, Social Structure: Changes and Linkages, is intended to convey the idea of looking at social structure from two perspectives: causes and consequences.
The panel survey, conducted in Poland in 1987-88, 1993, and 1998, provides a large data base for both the description of changes in the social structure and the testing of theoretically motivated hypotheses about the transition from communism to democracy and capitalism. Figuratively and literally, the descriptive and theoretical goals are united in this volume in an obvious manner: there is no good description without a theoretical foundation and there is no theoretical argument without support from empirical evidence.
Table of Contents:
Preface and Acknowledgements
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. 2002. “Introduction: Social Structure, Its Changes and Linkages.” Pp. 11-28 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Mach, Bogdan W. 2002. “Patterns of Intergenerational Mobility: The Long-Term Trends.” Pp. 29-43 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M., Tadeusz K. Krauze, and Sheri Kunovich. 2002. “Flow of Persons Among Old and New Job Positions.” Pp. 45-55 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Wang, Chunlei. 2002. “Meritocratic Allocation of Persons to Jobs.” Pp. 57-78 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Firkowska-Mankiewicz, Anna and Wojciech Zaborowski. 2002. “The Effects of Intellectual Functioning on Economic Status Attainment.” Pp. 79-91 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Kunovich, Sheri. 2002. “Class Differentation of Household Expenditures.” Pp. 93-107 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Marquart-Pyatt, Sandra. 2002. “How the Public Evaluates the Political and Economic System: Past, Present, and Future in the Social Consciousness.” Pp. 109-125 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Goldie Shabad. 2002. “Partisan Preferences and Democratic Commitments.” Pp. 127-155 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Oakes, Amy C. 2002. “Gender Differences in Support for Democracy.” Pp. 157-173 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Osborn, Elizabeth. 2002. “How Do Pro-Market Attitudes Depend on Social Position and Political Preferences?” Pp. 175-184 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Shadley, Anna. 2002. “Support for Political Change: Is Self-Interest the Whole Story?” Pp. 185-200 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Kunovich, Robert M. 2002. “”Throwing the Rascals Out:” Macroeconomic Conditions, Personal Economic Hardship, and Protest Voting.” Pp. 201-220 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Janicka, Krystyna. 2002. “Dynamics of Social Conflict Perception: Dimensions and Relations.” Pp. 221-230 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Orr, Scott D. 2002. “Exclusive Social Identities and Opposition to Democratic Practices.” Pp. 231-241 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Wilk, Katarzyna M. and Goldie Shabad. 2002. “The Impact of Social Class and Political Experience on Support for Poland’s Joining the European Union.” Pp. 243-260 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. 2002. “Changes and Linkages: Predictions for the Next Decade.” Pp. 261-268 in Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by K. M. Slomczynski. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Full Text (PDF)
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