Lista konferencji i warsztatów POLPAN z lat 2003-2008:
„The Role of Survey Research in Studying Social Change in Eastern Europe.” Conference and Workshop, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, December 15-16.
(Program 2003) (Lista zaproszonych uczestników 2003)
„Radical Social Change in East Central Europe: A Dynamic Analysis of Panel Data.” Conference and Workshop, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, September 10-12.
(Program 2004) (Lista zaproszonych uczestników 2004)
„Analyzing Dynamic Data: The Polish Panel Survey, 1988-2003 (POLPAN).” Conference and Workshop, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, September 14-17. Co-organizers: Department of Sociology at the Ohio State University, Department of Sociology and Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
(Program 2005) (Lista zaproszonych uczestników 2005)
„The Polish Panel Survey POLPAN 1988-2003 and Beyond: Planning the 2008 Wave.” Conference and Workshop, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, December 14-17.
(Program 2006) (Lista zaproszonych uczestników 2006)
„Sociological Public Opinion Research in Central and Eastern Europe: Historical and Cross-National Research.” Conference and Workshop, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, July 3-5. Co-organizers: Department of Sociology of the Ohio State University, Cross-National Studies: Training and Research Program, CONSIRT.
(Program 2008) (Lista zaproszonych uczestników 2008)