Podczas seminarium POLPAN 16 stycznia br. dr Marta Olcoń-Kubicka i mgr Mateusz Halawa (IFiS PAN) wygłoszą referat pt. „Ethnography of Household Money and Credit”.
Spotkanie odbędzie się w sali 154 Pałacu Staszica (Nowy Świat 72) w godz. 14:30-16:00.
Język seminarium: angielski.
The talk will present an ongoing research project (NCN OPUS 2014-2017) on practices of handling money in close relationships in young family households in Warsaw. We will discuss the theoretical assumptions (new economic sociology, practice theory) and our methodological approach (repeated visits, interviews and observations among couples). The two presentations will be based on the same research project.
Marta Olcoń-Kubicka will discuss the ways in which young middle-class couples in Warsaw create, transform, and justify their financial arrangement and the models in these financial arrangements. She will focus on notions of fairness in three models: „50/50”, „more or less egalitarian”, and „common pot”. The talk will also present material and technological infrastructures of household money, including home-made Excel budget.
Mateusz Halawa will discuss the rise of mortgage credit in Poland, focusing on social, cultural and economic effects of this historically new form of long-term indebtedness and property (which doubles as collateral). The talk will answer the question: How are mortgage contracts productive, that is how do they transform existing social ties and generate new phenomena from households to the public sphere.