Warsaw: Panel Design

In the Warsaw portion of the international POLPAN Workshop, students will learn about the intricacies of designing and collecting longitudinal survey data. They will attend lectures by, and discuss with, experts in methodology who have designed POLPAN and have administered it over the last two decades.

The following is a list of topics covered in this part of the POLPAN Workshop in May 2013:

  • Overview of POLPAN
  • Panel Studies in Europe
  • Sampling: Sampling Frame, Target Populations, Sampling Procedures, Attrition
  • Contacting Potential Respondents: Letters &Inserts; Gifts. Dealing with Nonresponse
  • Fieldwork: Training, Coordination and Monitoring of Interviewers
  • Ethical Issues of Panel Studies
  • Methodological Issues on Panel Survey Administration
  • Designing and Evaluating Panel Survey Questions: Panel-Specific Categories of Keep, Drop, Reintroduce, and Develop
  • Mixed Mode Panel Surveys
  • Measuring Social Class and Stratification Longitudinally: Occupational Classifications and Scales; Constructing Social Class Categories; Changes in Income; the CONVERTER Program

The Warsaw Panel Design program is available here.

Suggested readings for these topics are here.