A workshop titled ‘Health and Well-being in Cross-national Perspective’ was held on 6-7 May 2015 at the Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus, USA. The workshop included a two-part session called ‘Longitudinal survey data on health and well-being: The Polish Panel Survey POLPAN’.

The workshop was open to OSU graduate and undergraduate students, as well as scholars from across the University, interested in analyzing health and well-being in cross-national perspective.

The workshop was organized by:

  • Center for Slavic and East European Studies (CSEES), OSU
  • Cross-national Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program (CONSIRT), OSU-Polish Academy of Sciences
  • The Mershon Center for International Security Studies, OSU

with support of the Department of Sociology, OSU.

The workshop was partly funded by a grant from the Polish National Science Centre: ‘Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN 1988-2013: Social Structure and Mobility’ (2011/02/A/HS6/00238).