W dniach 6-10 października 2020 r. odbywała się 73. doroczna konferencja WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research). Wśród licznych sesji była też sesja 266, zatytułowana „Policy Issues, Political Behavior, and the Challenges and Prospects of Longitudinal Survey Methods: Applications of the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN, 1988 – 2018”, w której przedstawiono następujące referaty:
Assessing Change in Individuals’ Political Voice and Democratic Commitment in Poland, 2013 – 2018
Joshua K. Dubrow, CONSIRT, the Ohio State University and the Polish Academy of Sciences; IFiS PAN
Olga Li, Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Who wins and who loses on the Polish labour market? Using POLPAN data to study the determinants and outcomes of precarious employment careers
Anna Kiersztyn, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
Electoral volatility – what can we learn from panel data?
Michal Kotnarowski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Stability and Change in Individual Support for Right-Wing Parties in Poland, 1993–2018
Marcin Slarzynski, The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, and CONSIRT at the Ohio State University and the Polish Academy of Sciences
Weighting data in longitudinal projects and its impact on data comparability
Marcin Zielinski, The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, the Polish Academy of Sciences
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